
Is Shopify a good ecommerce platform for start-ups?

Shopify for startups

When choosing an eCcommerce platform for your startup store, it’s important that you get it right to ensure you get your business off to the best, easiest, and most affordable start! So is Shopify a good commerce platform for startups? Let’s take a look at the key requirements that start-ups need from a commerce platform and see the benefits of Shopify for startups:


Startups need a commerce platform that is cost-effective, both to set up and maintain. 

  • Opening the store – one of the benefits of Shopify for startups is that you can get great results with very little initial investment. This is ideal for businesses that are just starting out. 
  • Maintenance – Shopify is a stable, close source platform. This means that Shopify sites don’t require constant maintenance, saving you more time and money!
  • Can I do it myself? – Technically, yes. But, to do it properly, you’ll need lots of experience in web design and eCommerce. So, to be honest, it’s always better to hire an expert or an agency specialising in start-ups. This way, you can get expert advice at an affordable cost, and save lots of time and money in the long run. 

So, is Shopify cost-effective for start-ups? It sure is!

Easy to scale 

Another key consideration for start-ups is scalability. After all, many businesses start off as an MVP, with the aim of growing into a much larger store. It’s important the site has the ability to grow with them. 

  • Scaling up – With Shopify for startups, you can start out with an MVP that has the potential to become the real deal as you grow. And you won’t need to change the platform, integrate additional technology, or start the site from scratch. 
  • Supporting big business – Is Shopify equipped to support big e-commerce? Yes, yes, and yes! Your store can grow to well over 1 million of revenue per month without the need to change platforms.
  • Time to go fully custom – When it is time to level up your shop, a Team of Shopify experts can step in and redesign the store!

Is Shopify for startups easy to scale with your business? Absolutely!

Technical knowledge 

Another factor that is important for start-ups is that the platform is easy to manage without the need for technical knowledge. After all, just because you’re launching a start-up doesn’t mean you’re an expert web developer, right?

  • Do I need to be tech-savvy to run my Shopify store? – Nope! Once the store is set up, it’s super simple to manage. This means you probably won’t need to pay someone to run the day-to-day operation of your store when you’re just starting out.
  • Is it easy to find an employee with Shopify experience?  – You bet! And, because Shopify is so intuitive and easy to use, you’ll probably find that you don’t even need someone with previous Shopify experience. In just a few days they’ll be navigating your dashboard like they’ve done it for years!

Is Shopify easy to manage without technical knowledge? Super easy!

Shopify for startups – plans

What Shopify do I need for my start-up?

That depends. We always recommend checking Shopify’s pricing page, but generally speaking, the two main factors to consider are:

  • How many users do you need? Higher plans = a higher number of users
  • What is the value of your products? Higher plans offer reduced fees on payments, meaning if you have high-value products or sell in high volumes, it may work out more convenient and cost-effective to opt for a higher plan. 

So, how much will Shopify for startups cost?

Here are some indicative costs to give you an idea of what it will cost to set up a premium store using a theme, all set up by a team of experts. Keep in mind that costs will change depending on where you’re located and the experience of the expert you hire. These figures are a guide, but we wouldn’t recommend going too far away from them, up or down!

One-off costs

Total initial one-off cost: £1680 – 2380

Recurring expenses

  • Shopify – from $30/month
  • Domain – from £20/year
  • Email server – from £10/month

Total recurring expenses: Approximately £55/month

Other services or experts you might need

  • Branding guidelines – from £1000 – £3000. One-off cost
  • Digital marketing agency fee – from £700 – £1500/month
  • Digital marketing budget – from £500 + 
  • Photographer and models for images – this will depend on your products and requirements. 

Shopify for startups – summary 

Shopify is a great eCommerce platform for start-ups. Why? It offers affordability and flexibility but doesn’t require expert technical know-how to manage.